Hunting Wiki

S.M.Hineline S.M.Hineline 22 August 2013

Discovery, Book 2 in the Hunting Saga now available

It's been a pretty long wait, but it's finally here. Now fans of Jade and Aldora can find out what they've been up to, check in on baby Gemini, and see if Taurean ever got what was coming to him. Plus meet the newest member of the group Kitsu Mei, when the Queen tells you to work with someone you don't argue, even if that someone is a tiny sprite of a vampire who insists on wearing pink.

In Discovery a serial killer is targeting young women in Chicago. The police assumed their suspect was human, but when the evidence points to a vampire, Jade and Aldora are called in to work with the human authorities. They must stop the killings and bring the vampire responsible to justice or risk a scandal that could cause the United States to rethink thei…

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S.M.Hineline S.M.Hineline 13 January 2013


In order to guarantee the survival of the vampire race, Jade, Aldora, Mordecai and Ignatius must form a hunting team--a group that travels once every five hundred years to find a vampire child born of two human parents--the result of an ancient curse. However, their quest isn't as simple as finding the child and bringing it to the palace. Aldora's cousin, Taurean will do anything to prove her unworthy of ruling, even if that means killing Aldora and taking her hunting team too.

Jade has joined the group mind of the vampires in order to experience the first hunt. She is learning what to expect from a vampire baby and how to tell it from a human.

Loud screams and moans emanated from a back room in the little cottage. They followed the noises u…

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S.M.Hineline S.M.Hineline 8 January 2013

Update on Book 2

Hunting came out early in 2012, so I've been working really hard to get book 2 (still without a name poor thing) out into the world as quickly as I can. As you read this I'm staring to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and really hope to have everything done and published sometime before June of 2013.

Since June is a long way away, especially when you're looking for your next read, I thought I'd share a sneak peek, so you can catch back up with Jade, Aldora, Mordecai, and Ignatious.  Please enjoy and share your thoughts in the comments below, always happy to get feedback!

If you haven't checked out Hunting yet, you can grab a copy and get caught up here.

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